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What is the difference between interlocks and dreadlocks?Interlocks is a method of using a weaving technique to install and to maintain them. Whether they are interlocks, twisted locks, braidlocks, or sisterlocks. . Usually they are put in a certain grid or formation. This weaving pattern is what allows the locks to be very small. It also allows for the client to have more freedoms when it comes to styling and shampooing. I have found that many of my clients who work in the corporate work prefer these type of locking methods. They can hold a roller set and a crimp set very well. ​ With interlocking clients can do much of the maintenance at home. They can shampoo and style without coming into the salon s often. ​ With traditional locks or dreads, they are formed by twisting the hair into coils, are by letting them free form. Some may even add extensions.
How often do you have to get a touch up on interlocks?I recommend every four weeks for my new clients and four to six for those who have had them for a while.
How do you shampoo interlocks?When shampooing fresh interlocks, you must braid and bad them first. This is taking a section of the hair, braiding it, and securing it with a rubber band. This is done so that the locks don't come down during the shampooing. This is done until the locks are mature enough. The maturing time varies. Your location will be able to tell you when it's time.
Can I condition my interlocks?I don't recommend conditioning interlocks, especially in the beginning faze. You must remember, locks are sections of matted and intertwined hair. Conditioners soften and relaxes the hair shaft. Conditioning can cause the locks to come down. Once your locks have fully matured I can see you conditioning them. What I advise my clients to do is to use products along the way that will keep your locks well hydrated.
Can I color my interlocks?I recommend that you color before your install. This way you won't disturb the locking process. If you color after, you run the risk of your locks coming down and your touch up costing more.
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